Wednesday, 24 July 2013
For some time now, the issue of sagging has defied my personal understanding as it has become a sort of trend and is now considered as many to be 'cool.' Young boys and even a few females now indulge in the act of 'sagging.'
Many of these people who sag have no idea of the origin of sagging, others say it's a style associated with HIP-HOP.
Now, for those who do not know the origin of sagging, i'll tell you a little about it... Sagging is said to have originated/ been adopted from the united states prisons systems in which belts are sometimes prohibited to prevent prison inmates from using them as weapons or committing suicide by hanging themselves. It was then cultivated and popularized by Hip-Hop artistes in the 1990s and today is even been giving alternate names such as 'Low riding' in some countries of the world.
Now the question is, if sagging originated from the prison yards, How then is this a 'Cool' practice ?
No one wants to know how flashy your 'underwear' is... I believe in the first place that it was called that for the reason of been worn underneath your pants and not been shown to everyone all in the name of 'Sagging.'
We all need to go back to the drawing table & put on our thinking caps to seriously deliberate over the issue of sagging. - (MY OPINION)
Are you For/Against this trend? Have your say on sagging today... Post a comment or Send an email to
on what your personal view on sagging is.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Life was never a serious thing to me, I drank, smoked, partied, did everything i felt the urge to as i always said to myself 'Life's too short to dull.'
I had lost a couple of loved ones growing up but i never truly learnt any valuable lesson... It was more of a 'live and die' thing to me. The reality of life began to dawn on me as i grew older and by the passing of each day, i got to realize what it meant to breathe, now make no mistake, i knew i had someone to thank for this but i never truly bothered or cared about saying the least of thank you prayers.
I came close to quite a number of near-death experiences but none of these counted as anything, for me, it was more of a thing of pride and stupidity... After each experience, i would say to myself 'I no fit die now na, even God sef know.'
I abused the privilege The Most High had given to me but yet he spared my life somehow... I was in no way worthy of his mercies but yet, they remained ever-sufficient in my life. My name (Ifeanyi) always spoke for me wherever i went and the overwhelming blessings i kept receiving were just far beyond the handwork of any human but, then again, I remained ungrateful to God for this.
The year 2010 was one in which was filled with ups and downs for myself as an individual and even more for my entire household. In the twinkle of an eye, the luxuries of life in which i felt was the true essence of life begun to vanish one after another. I lost virtually every material thing i had and had always made boast in. For me, i had lost it all, life wasn't worth living anymore... I remember crying in my room a couple of times saying all sorts of things like 'What's the need of living' and many more of that nature. I asked endless questions and no one could come to my rescue.
2011... I had an encounter with JESUS. Now this wasn't the first time i was surrendering all to Him, no, i was born and raised by not just Christians but God fearing parents who taught me to live by biblical standards and to walk in the way of the Lord.
I came to realize that all we've had, have and will ever have, He alone knows... I surrendered to His supremacy, but, in totality? No, I wasn't ready to give up the so-called 'Good Life' of partying, being a ladies' man and all that stuff. I tried, it seemed just too difficult for me, i just couldn't keep up.
Mid 2011 however was when i came to the actualization of the fact that walking with God is perhaps the easiest thing to do... provided you're willing to do so with all of your heart but then again the issue of putting all of your heart into something without having any negative thoughts seemed like hard-work.
I was very active in church, i probably took center stage of the young people's church activities as i was always here and there involving myself in every church activity.
2012 was different, school this time around was not giving me all the time in the world and so i withdrew from all church activities and tendered my resignations to all groups to which i belonged.
For me, 2012 was definitely gonna be my year as i believed i had served God the previous year well enough for him to grant all my heart desires. I lost a couple of old high school friends but the reality of the importance of Life never dawned on me... For me, it was all about fame and fortune. Waking up one day, i thought and told myself the long hidden truth... everything i did in church the previous year, i did because i wanted to be noticed, i wasn't actually glorifying God, everything was in my selfish interests and desire.
To cut the long story short, i've come to realize that we do not own ourselves; male/female, Muslim/Christian, Big/small, young/old, we all should learn to be thankful for the life we have. It goes beyond material props, the fact that you can breathe in and out is something to be thankful for.
Now, things may be hard, there may be no money, clothes, you might not have everything you desire and so crave for but, there's one thing you have that a dead person doesn't and that's 'LIFE.'
Learn to live right, appreciate all that you see around you and spend quality time with your God and the ones you love, WE DON'T HAVE LIFE FOREVER. Someday, you'll depart this earth. What things would you want to be said about you? How exactly would you want to be remembered??
We need to sit up and begin to effect positive changes to move us in the right direction and make the world a better place. Learn to thank God for the life you have today for nobody knows tomorrow.
Today, i worry not about the clothes i wear, food on my table or shelter over my head and trust me, i'm a very happy person at peace with myself. I found joy like no other in JESUS and in His presence and all i have to do when things seem like they're beginning to go awry is to remind myself whose son i am and talk to Him.
Develop a habit of thanksgiving and constant fellowship with God regardless of your religion. There are no 2 Gods, there is but one. Salvation is a thing of choice, make yours today.
Waking up this morning to the bitter news of the demise of not just a follower but a friend who lit up my world with mere 'tweets'. Charming little Zainab was one of a very rare kind. Its not just the fact that she's gone today but the impact she's made in my life. May God grant her family, friends and loved ones the fortitude to bear this huge loss. God bless your soul little one... Till we meet again. Adieu.
With a heavy heart and with tears in my eyes, i say RIP Zainab Ayo Omolabi.
The New World Order
Talk about the level of corruption, bribery, injustice... It won't be absolutely wrong to say the world of today has taken a giant leap in the wrong direction as Sex, Money, Liquor, Marijuana (Cannabis/Weed) have all become the order of the day. Our 'future leaders' are being led into acts of immorality such as drug trafficking, internet fraud and other forms of unnecessary ritual rites all in a bid to make money. Some of these acts are even sugar-coated with names (yahoo yahoo, yahoo plus etc) and are no longer viewed by some as crime but rather as a means of 'Catching fun.'
The rate of crime in our country today remains very alarming and cannot go unnoticed... The youth who're expected to be pace setters for the children have drifted far too much and what's even worse, they fail to realize this. The so-called 'Future leaders' would rather indulge in immoral & selfish acts than think of the country at large. Everybody exploring various illegal money making ventures for selfish interests.
The Issue of sex is perhaps the biggest of them all with seemingly no solution at all, teenagers now discuss sex like its some school subject...For ladies, Prostitution has taken center stage and is no longer even called prostitution but now 'Runs', the ladies would even go as far as telling you 'All na hustle' Really??? Selling your bodies for N3,000 is hustle? We seriously need to put back on our thinking caps as these issues are aggravating by the passing of each day and if nothing is done soonest, i fear for our young ones.
Then again, the ladies aren't the only ones involved in this. The guys now... they'd go the extra mile, whatever the cost, provided they 'get laid' at the end of it all. I was speaking to a female friend of mine who narrated to me how a certain guy promised to sponsor her entire birthday celebrations (now i'm not talking buying ten bottles of coca-cola or sprite, I'm talking some 5-10 bottles of Rozay, which we all know to be one of the most expensive drinks in clubs) he also promised to take care of the transportation fares of the entire ladies that would grace the occasion, now, my friend was overwhelmed but make no mistake, it would last only but a short while as he'd demand to take her to bed at the end of the party.
Then again, i ask myself... What is the need? (Vanity upon Vanity)
The issue of Drug Intake & Trafficking.
It's probably no headline new anymore, the rampant rate of involvement in drug intake such as cocaine, marijuana (kush), skunk and many others. This has become the new world order for the guys and even a couple of ladies too. The level of ignorance amongst individuals is my major concern as 80 in every 100 who indulge in this act are oblivious of the numerous effects these substances have on them. There's the issue of anxiety, increased heart rate, loss of memory and much more which are unknown to some addicts... You'd rather watch your life cut short?
It goes beyond just the intake now as the Drug Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and other DEAs of many other countries now nab individuals at airports, streets, homes... etc trafficking and hoarding different manners of drugs. Young individuals now waste away their time smoking, drinking, sniffing and indulging in all forms of illegal acts.
The Love of Money still remains the root of all evil...
The rate of crime in our country today remains very alarming and cannot go unnoticed... The youth who're expected to be pace setters for the children have drifted far too much and what's even worse, they fail to realize this. The so-called 'Future leaders' would rather indulge in immoral & selfish acts than think of the country at large. Everybody exploring various illegal money making ventures for selfish interests.
The Issue of sex is perhaps the biggest of them all with seemingly no solution at all, teenagers now discuss sex like its some school subject...For ladies, Prostitution has taken center stage and is no longer even called prostitution but now 'Runs', the ladies would even go as far as telling you 'All na hustle' Really??? Selling your bodies for N3,000 is hustle? We seriously need to put back on our thinking caps as these issues are aggravating by the passing of each day and if nothing is done soonest, i fear for our young ones.
Then again, the ladies aren't the only ones involved in this. The guys now... they'd go the extra mile, whatever the cost, provided they 'get laid' at the end of it all. I was speaking to a female friend of mine who narrated to me how a certain guy promised to sponsor her entire birthday celebrations (now i'm not talking buying ten bottles of coca-cola or sprite, I'm talking some 5-10 bottles of Rozay, which we all know to be one of the most expensive drinks in clubs) he also promised to take care of the transportation fares of the entire ladies that would grace the occasion, now, my friend was overwhelmed but make no mistake, it would last only but a short while as he'd demand to take her to bed at the end of the party.
Then again, i ask myself... What is the need? (Vanity upon Vanity)

The issue of Drug Intake & Trafficking.
It's probably no headline new anymore, the rampant rate of involvement in drug intake such as cocaine, marijuana (kush), skunk and many others. This has become the new world order for the guys and even a couple of ladies too. The level of ignorance amongst individuals is my major concern as 80 in every 100 who indulge in this act are oblivious of the numerous effects these substances have on them. There's the issue of anxiety, increased heart rate, loss of memory and much more which are unknown to some addicts... You'd rather watch your life cut short?
It goes beyond just the intake now as the Drug Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and other DEAs of many other countries now nab individuals at airports, streets, homes... etc trafficking and hoarding different manners of drugs. Young individuals now waste away their time smoking, drinking, sniffing and indulging in all forms of illegal acts.
The Love of Money still remains the root of all evil...
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