Wednesday 23 April 2014


I choose to celebrate the life you lived,
I choose to give thanks for everything.
You sat and watched my mother's infant head,
raised and taught her to be the best.

You instilled in me, a culture of respect
and taught me to tell stories in mummy's dialect.
Every time you came around, the atmosphere became cool
You were loving, compassionate and so gentle.

If Christ was a lady, He had to be you.
You displayed kindness to the ugly, the bad and the good.
The life you lived, utterly worthy of emulation
You loved all, regardless of tribal differences and segregation.

Dear God, thank you for giving me a wonderful grandmother.
Thank you again for helping her raise the best mother.
Thank you for a life well spent,
Thank you for everything.

I would have loved her to carry my kids
and perhaps my kids' kids
But, she's gone back to her maker
and I know Heaven's a better place.

I would miss how you never forgot to give me meat after you finished eating though.

Once again, I celebrate the life that you have lived,
Mrs Patience Adolie Ogbor,
Till we meet again to part no more.


Wednesday 16 April 2014


Imagine how men debate to whatever extent, do anything to protect the prestige and image of the football clubs they support? How ladies are so obsessed with fashion and the latest trends and how they invest so much time in trying to get the perfect look? The time they spend in trying to get 'The perfect Display Photo' ?
I mean, you need to see how passionate and zealous my sister gets when it's time to take photos and, she never stops until she gets the EXACT look she craves.

Once upon a time, I was ill with neither money in my pocket nor food on my table (I had nothing in my system all day) but as 2pm drew nigh on that Sunday, out of the blues I realized money, not to feed myself or procure medical pastilles to help improve my health but money to watch the Liverpool Vs Manchester City game.
Ever watched two young men argue football? We do this like our lives depended on it (just for the passion and without getting paid) i.e If I'm for the notion that Derby county is a better footballing side than Real Madrid, there's no convincing me otherwise. I will argue to whatsoever length and go as far as stating FACT that really do not exist.
Then, I ask myself, so much energy we channel into these things. What if, we put in the same amount of energy and time into either of our religious life, academics or workplace? How much results would be yielded?

I've been privileged to encounter numerous brutal assaults on football lovers by fellow football fans, the very first of which had me thinking like 'okay, there must be more to football than meets the eye.' But then, It is just football.
There are so many things I would do, extreme lengths I would go to protect the image of the football team I support but then, would i invest this much energy in my academics, workplace or religious life ???

April 2008, was it?  'stamford bridge is falling down, up Liverpool.' Liverpool supporters of command secondary school Lagos kept chanting. It was the semi-finals of the prestigious UEFA champions league. Indeed, we hoped the then firing Liverpool team would take the game to the bridge and defeat their English rivals (Chelsea FC) but, at the end of 90minutes, it would be Chelsea FC's Jose Mourinho coached side progressing to the finals of the league.
My heart sank, I went down to the ground in tears, disappointment and heartbreak written all over me. I couldn't handle the hurt and stayed up all night sobbing because of one football match.

My Liverpool had failed me...

Such passion, zeal, dedication and sacrifice all for a game of football... I don't know how it happens, but, every time we (Liverpool)  suffer a loss, my heart sinks.

I want so bad to invest this much time, make as many sacrifices and dedicate myself utterly to the things that matter the most and to love and serve my maker unconditionally. Why does it seem so hard? I tried, I am trying and I will keep trying.

You all have read, now it's time to tell... My worst nightmare, SERVING GOD AND ENDING UP IN HELL.