Monday 31 August 2015

YOLO - A friendly advice

You Only Live Once... Y.O.L.O!
But this is not the juncture where I begin to quote lines off an Aubrey Graham song or tell you that today may be the only chance you get to tag along with the dope guys and or play beer pong. No.
What am I saying then?
I'm simply insinuating that you have just one shot at discovering the purpose for which you exist and everyday that passes by with breath in you ironically is a fresh opportunity at that discovery.
Yes, society does make the rules, but understand that your life is your kingdom and the choice to follow is yours eventually. Am I saying break the rules? Maybe. From what limited knowledge I have, rules are made to be broken anyway.
 Your life is a personal journey that society really does not have to understand. But if you choose to exist without asking yourself questions, that's fine by me. Provided you understand that you'll be just another entity existing, occupying space and not consciously living. Waiting for society to make the call and following her every order, like an errand boy living to please his master in return for a meager sum and a big plate of pasta.

Like Suli Breaks once said, It's like being stuck in a rat race, but you see the truth about it is, even if you win the rat race, you're still just a rat.

You Only Live Once.
So, utilize this opportunity every single day that comes your way and do not always be afraid of what society would say. Be extraordinary, ordinary men are contempt with just about anything. They follow rules without questioning and are hasty to make the so called right decisions. 

Be your own man, create a you that stands the test of time and forget not to understand that understanding itself is a choice many people are scared to make.
Lastly, I stumbled upon this quote a while back on twitter, it's simple but with so much depth-
If your confidence comes from the praises of men, you'll be devastated by their criticisms.

Friday 7 August 2015

Each one, Reach one

Each one reach one
with a message of love each one teach one
that in trying to bleach one we end up the stitched one,
because no man likes to feel inferior
and the bitter truth is you're no ones superior. No one!
Whether they're poor and you're the rich one.
Cause with all the riches in the world if you fail to reach one,
then you're nothing but just a rich one.

Each one, reach one
There's a saying that says "There is a drop of greatness in each one."
But we all need to come together for a drop alone could never be enough to make a River.
Each one, reach one
But first understand that a good student will not be convinced
until he is assured that the teacher has a clear understanding of what is been taught.
So, what i say is quite simple...
In trying to reach one, you have to reflect what is clearly seen by the people.

Again in trying to reach one,
be careful not to venture with a mindset of it's time to fix one;
Cause even with doctors' prescriptions
people are still snatched by death.
Only have it in mind that you are simply rendering your help.

Everyone cannot understand!
True that this is fact but do not be destabilized in the knowing.
The headlines do not read each one, reach everyone that will make the task rather too difficult.
Instead it says each one, reach one
for somewhere in the midst of "everyone cannot understand"
lies "one can understand."
But then again, one has to teach one to reach one.

Each one, reach one
Teach one that there's a grain of good in each one.
Be kind enough to lend a listening ear 
For sometimes, that may be all you need to reach one.

Each one, reach one
Remember there was a time when you didn't have that knowledge.
Be painstakingly patient with each one and don't give up
cause the title of this piece doesn't read "EACH ONE, DITCH ONE."